Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Loretto, BCS, Mexico

Big Smile - 2003
In 2003 we made our one-and-only trip to Loreto, the historic capital of Baja California Sur.  It was the annual Brothers In Baja trip which we made with the Thatchers.  In a few words: legendary Dorado fishing at ridiculously low prices (I'll never forget the look of terror on Ty's face when the guy sitting behind him on the Aero Mexico flight lit up a cigarette . . . he thought it was a bomb and that we were all gonners). It was hotter than Hades, which fortunately made the Dorado fishing awesome.  We keep talking about going back . . . some day.  Seeing these old pictures makes me sorry we haven't done it. 

I got a huge kick out of seeing how little the boys were compared to the fish they were catching. It's easy to forgot how vertically challenged they were in the early years until I saw Dallin standing a whole head & shoulder taller than them. Who'd have thunk it given the way they all size up now! Randy is looking svelte, thanks to the chicken tacos at Chilly Willy's (further credence to dictum to never eat the chicken in a 3rd world country). While we were in town it rained--the first time in over a year.  A great trip--even if the pluming wasn't that memorable.

Randy, Dallin, Ty & Tate

Loreto, BCS Capitol

Panga's on the beach

Big Dorado

Loreto Sunrise

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